Please follow these guidelines for setting a new password:
  • It MUST be between 8 and 15 characters in length
  • It MUST contain at least 1 character from each of the following lists:
    • Uppercase Letters: A-Z
    • Lowercase Letters: a-z
    • Numbers: 0-9
    • Allowed Special Characters ! " $ % , ( ) * + - . / ; : = > ? [ \ ] ^ _ { | } ~
      • These special characters ARE NOT ALLOWED: & # @ < blank or space
  • It CANNOT be all numbers
  • It CANNOT be the same as the previous 10 passwords
  • It CANNOT contain 3 or more repetitions of the same character
  • It IS case sensitive i.e. "TOM" does NOT equal "tom"
  • It CANNOT contain your user name or your first, last, or middle name

Set Your Password

New Password

Retype New Password

Computer Usage Policy

Activation of your UTAD account indicates acceptance of the duties and responsibilities contained therein.

3364-65-05 Responsible Use Policy

If you are, or will be, teaching or advising students at The University of Toledo, the following section applies to you:

myUT Faculty/Adviser Self-Service Duties and Responsibilities

If you are, or will be, working from the Health Science Campus, the following applies to you:

Information Systems Workstation Policy No.: 022

By agreeing to this policy, I agree to abide by all of the conditions described above.